Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Blips from a Busy Time

With the play coming up next week, I've been spending a lot of time at school right now. I'll be somewhat glad when that's over, so that school will not be quite as consuming as it is right now. I like to have an adequate amount of time at home as well.

--Demonstrations today in chemistry class. We're studying types of reactions, so we did several "wow" demos as examples. Demos are a pain to set up and clean up, but it's always inspiring to see the wow factor kick in.

--We celebrated "mole day" last week on 10/23 (from 6:02 a.m. to 6:02 p.m.). (Chemistry people will catch the significance of that.) We had lunch with foods like guacamole, cassermoles, Chick-Mol-A nuggets, Coca-Mola, peppermole-i buns, cinnamon moles, oatmole cookies. You get the idea. They loved it. By the way, did you know that Avogadro eats watermolens in the summer? And drinks chocolate moleteds? He really exaggerates a lot--he makes mountains out of molehills. When he taught math, he taught moletiplication. Enough already (though there are a lot more where those come from).

--I helped one of my students, a young man for whom English is his second language, edit his essays for college applications. Today he brought me a $10 gift card to Cracker Barrel. Now, I certainly do not expect students to do something like that for help with college applications or writing recommendations--it is part of what I do for them, and I'm happy to do it. But you'd be amazed at the number of students who ask for such things who don't even say thank you--or bring a stamp! So it was a humbling and appreciated kindness in the middle of a busy time, for him to do such a thoughtful thing.

--The seniors' blog has bogged down a little, but they're kicking in again. I think they are enjoying knowing their work is being read far and wide. We start MACBETH on Thursday--that's always a great read.

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