Saturday, February 8, 2020

Birds in the Snow!

We had an unexpected snowfall this morning.  Weatherman had called for a cold rain, with a chance of flurries around daybreak.  Well, the weather didn't start until around 10:00 this morning, and soon big, white, fluffy flakes were coming down, and continued falling until about 3:00 this afternoon.  So we have an inch of beautiful snow on the ground, and the bird activity was heavy.  It's been a surprise winter day, but very enjoyable.

 Just a common house finch, but the snow on his crown makes a pretty picture.

 First goldfinch of the year!

Orange-crowned warbler on the bottom.  A few minutes ago I got a rare sight - I saw the orange crown!!  That is not common at all.  It was just a slight orange line on its head.  Other than that pretty orange line, it is a very nondescript warbler.

 And the obligatory cardinals in the snow pictures.

And this was quite a treat.  Mike says it is rare to see a gobbler strutting in the snow, because it's not strutting season.  It was beautiful.

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