Friday, February 14, 2020

Friday's Fave Five 2-14-2020

LINK to Friday's Fave Five Host Blog

1. Last Saturday, we got a beautiful, unexpected SNOWFALL for about five hours.  I think that's partly why it was so beautiful - it was not expected.  The forecast had been for possible snow if the front arrived before dawn, but then cold rain.  Well, that's not what happened.  It was just enough snow (1-2 inches) to be beautiful, and it came down in huge flakes, but not enough to make the roads bad.  So we enjoyed winter for a little while.

2. A gate!  This has been Mike's project all week.  Whenever he tackles a project, he does it RIGHT.  This is at our farm and will greatly increase the security of the place.  I'm proud of him!

3. A good week at work.  Several things fell into place and got accomplished.  That's always a nice week.  And this is a three-day weekend.  

4. On Tuesday, Mike and my dad drove to a nearby town where the school microscopes were being serviced at a shop there.  My friend/colleague and I were having difficulty working out a time to drive there to pick them up.  So it was a blessing to us for Mike and Dad to take the time to go pick them up.  

5. A pre-Valentine dinner - and I splurged on a seafood boil.  Delicious.  And then, of course, being a teacher whose Life Science class is currently studying invertebrates - I had to take the clam and mussel shells, and crab legs, home in a box to show my students today. It was a great - and useful - Valentine's meal. :-)


Deb J. in Utah said...

Belated Happy Valentine's Day to you! That dinner looks delicious. Nice look gate at your farm. So nice to have a handy hubby. Glad you had a good week at work followed by a long weekend. Enjoy! See you again soon!

Barbara Harper said...

Thant's my favorite kind of snowfall. My husband is like that, too--if he's going to put something together, it's going to be right. Nice to have things fall into place at work and then to have a day off. And then to have your husband and dad make the trek to get the microscopes for you. Funny about taking the shells home! The nice thing about going out the night before Valentine's Day is missing the restaurant busyness of the day itself.

Karen said...

Your husband sounds like a good man, very handy and so helpful to you, too. I laughed about you taking the remains of your Valentine dinner for your students. Always the teacher! It sounds like a good week all around.

Willow said...

Have your class assignment and eat it too!! Perfect win-win!
I am loving all your posts about your farm. My bro has had farms most of his life and he thrives on those projects. Mike's a keeper :)