Friday, February 21, 2020

Friday's Fave Five 2-21-2020

 LINK to Friday's Fave Five Host Blog

1. A new low-carb cheesecake recipe!!  This called for a chopped pecan crust, which I will start using even with my other low-carb recipes, because it is much, much better than an almond flour crust.  This also had a low-carb caramel sauce recipe that, while not quite as good as real caramel, was an acceptable substitute.  Mike loved it.  We must have had a little mouse in the refrigerator, because that cheesecake disappeared amazingly fast.

2. A sold mattress!  This is the one that was not comfortable for me even though it was a good quality mattress.  I listed it on Facebook Marketplace, and had FIFTEEN inquiries in ten hours - three in the first ten minutes.  That is really the place to go to sell things these days.  (I put it on Craigslist also and got no nibbles.)  We might have priced it too low, but - the best thing is that it is gone and out of the way in Mike's shop.

3. A walk in the woods on President's Day.  Our son and daughter in law came down to the property, and we went out to the "shoals," which remind me very much of the Wilds, where I used to work as a camp counselor back in my single days, and have been back to many times with school groups, family camps, etc., since.  It was wonderful to have a three-day weekend, and then to have a nice day at our property with family also.

4. And then. . . .a SECOND three-day weekend this week!!  We had a rain/snow/ice event yesterday, and low temps were below freezing early this morning, so we got the day off today.  Really, a delayed opening would have been fine, but we follow the local public school's school closings, so I am enjoying the day off!

5. Which means - I have a lot of time today to clean off my desk, which is (usually) impossible, pay bills, do blog posts (ahem), and many other things that need to be done.  Happy Friday!!


Barbara Harper said...

I wish my husband could eat pecans. We've used gluten-free pretzels for a GF crust for my d-i-l, but that would still have carbs. Glad the mattress sold so quickly! How nice to have two three-day weekends. They both sound like fun. We got snow yesterday, but it was mostly melted off by evening, thankfully. The schools did have a 3-hour delay--this is such a hilly area, I'm sure some places had snow or ice, especially since temps got into the 20s last night.

Faith said...

Enjoy your 3 day weekend! I've been off from teaching all week due to NYS having Winter least here in the eastern part of NY we do. I think some of the southern tier and western NY have school. It's always nice to get those bonus snow delays!

I cant eat cheesecake as I'm allergic to cream cheese but that looks mighty pretty!!

I've heard other people say they sell things quickly via the Marketplace too. I usually just put it in my FB status and bingo....have offered within minutes! Glad your mattress sold!

Enjoy the weekend!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Glad to hear that you were able to get rid of your old mattress, and got two three-day weekends in a row. Will you have to make up the day? I hope not. I enjoyed reading about your Friday Faves. Hope you have a great weekend!

susan said...

How wonderful to have 2 three day weekends. It is a lovely time to get things done that are usually last on the list.
I love pecan crusts. I forgot all about them. Thanks for the reminder. Your cheesecake sounds heavenly. I am sure we would have had a mouse in our refrigerator as well.
Hurray on getting the mattress sold. I hope your new one is good for your back.
Lovely to have time at the property for a good walk and with family; Sounds like an ideal time.
Gave a blessed week.

Wendy said...

Wow, two 3 day weekends in a row! Hope you've enjoyed this one. Good job on getting the mattress sold.

Susanne said...

Ooo that cheesecake does sound wonderful! Two 3 day weekends, what a blessing!

Karen said...

So nice to have those long weekends! That cheesecake looks fabulous. Have a good week, Ann.