Friday, January 22, 2021

Friday's Fave Five, 1-22-2021


1. I went back to work on Tuesday for the entire week, and for the most part did fine.  Yesterday I hit a wall by the afternoon, and went home an hour early - and promptly napped for close to an hour and a half.  But today was a great day and I felt essentially. . . .normal.  Even did dissection of worms with the seventh grade, and that takes a great deal of energy.  I'm posting this picture because it's hard to identify anyone individually on it, which we have to be careful of these days.

2. These are birthday slippers from my sister, and they have felt so good this chilly January week!

3. The blanket in the picture above is one that's been in the closet for awhile.  I unwrapped it this week and it is very soft and comfortable.  I'm thankful to be warm on cold days.

4. I had a gift card from a student, and we had an additional $20 deduction from a DineRewards program, so we had a nice dinner at Outback tonight that cost us $2.26. :-)  Friday nights eating out are great.

5. Thankful once again that my COVID case, though not fun and lasting several weeks with the fatigue, was not serious enough to have to go to the hospital or to develop pneumonia at all.  We know several who have had critical consequences, and I could have just as easily been a casualty instead of just a minor statistic.  Very thankful.


Barbara Harper said...

Cute slippers! We have throw blankets all over--they're just the right weight for chilly evenings. Wow--nice to have dinner out for only a couple of dollars! So glad you are doing better and getting your strength back.

Susanne said...

Love a soft, cozy blanket on a cold night. The slippers look comfy too. Funny we both mentioned slippers. Praise God you didn't have a worse case and that you are on the road to full health again.

Willow said...

I am glad you are feeling better now and have recovered well.
Love those slippers and cozy blanket. They're perfect for these cold, cold evenings.
Have a good week ahead!