Saturday, August 30, 2008

Beautiful Balloons

We had quite the action at our house tonight. There's a balloon festival in town, and at least 50 balloons came directly over our house about 7:00 tonight. They landed in the shopping center parking lots that are about a quarter mile from here. It was a beautiful site!

This picture, taken from the driveway, is of balloons directly over our pool house.
Ginger has fits whenever she sees balloons! I think she thinks she is protecting us by her endless barking. . .


Anonymous said...

What fun that would have been!! I have always wanted to go to one of those balloon festivals but never I never have. But being in the pathway of them is even better, I think!

From the Front Porch said...

When we lived at the farm, they would land at the top of the hill. We always enjoyed seeing that! Hope school is off to a great start.