Monday, March 2, 2009

Final Snow Post, I Promise

View from the side of the house this morning.

I measured - three inches.

It's just so unusual and so beautiful to see snow covering everything.
My daughter's friend was coming home from work last night and couldn't get home, so she stopped here and spent the night. The two of them made a "snow bear" - this is a side view, with her friend's little sister, who was here with her mom this morning to pick the friend up (in case the problem was with the brakes on her car instead of just an inability to drive on snow and ice).

This morning the two girls walked back in the woods and found the old beaver dam covered with snow. Ginger went along and went crazy - the girls think there was a beaver actually in the dam.

The snow is almost melted now. It was a fun twenty four hours.


Anonymous said...

It's hard to believe you Southerners get so excited about three inches! For once, we escaped the storm! My son let me know that the Lord delayed his Hebrew test from this morning though! He wasn't sad! Beth

Ada said...

Loved your snow reports/pictures and the Wilds experience stories. I can imagine the snow was exciting to everyone. I really do love a huge snowstorm as long as we don't have to go anyplace and have food in the house. But the winter is getting long this year . . .

Love to your family. Ada