Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tribute to a Former Senior

Each year one of the entries my seniors put in their journals is "Being a Senior/Senior Leadership." One girl wrote an entry, including a tribute to another girl who was a senior three years ago. I'll not put in the name of the girl who wrote the journal entry, but will include the name of the girl she's talking about, for several reasons: She deserves it; she's the daughter of dear friends, and she's my birthday buddy!

"Every student dreams of the moment when he will walk down the hallway and out the front doors at LUNCHTIME! This is how being a senior is defined! I remember always looking up to the seniors and thinking that they were very mature and put together. Things always seemed more fun because the seniors were involved. When senior would pay attention to me or ask how I was doing, it had such a positive effect. Sarah C__ poured her love and time into everyone's life. She did not know how her attention to the younger people gave us an example to strive to be like. Senior year is made up of so many things and is given many expectations, but the things that are important are what we learn and give to others."

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