Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Time Change Effects

Time changes are just hard on the body! For many years I didn't even notice them. Then, when the kids were little, time changes were difficult because they did not realize that the time had changed an hour and they were supposed to get up an hour earlier/sleep an hour later, as the case may be. It was always especially hard on the morning of the "fall back" change, when that delicious extra hour of sleep was short-circuited due to a toddler who dutifully awakened at the right time of his or her internal clock. Time change didn't mean a thing to them. Then for the next week, they (and thus I) were tired due to the change in schedule. It always took about a week to get them acclimated.

Now, it seems like the time change really does bother me, even without kids around.

I always love the Monday night after time change. The dramatic difference in darkness or lack thereof doesn't really seem real on Sunday night. But the difference in circumstances around the time of the 6:00 news on Monday is when I realize - the time really is different.

It would seem like we could stay on one or the other. I'd opt for daylight savings time year round.

I am now going to bed to make up for the effects of the time change. Or for whatever reason. Who cares if it's early - fatigue has set in - blame it on daylight savings time.


Barbara H. said...

I've had a nap every day this week, which is unusual -- I'm guessing it's the time change that's making me feel I need one.

Phyllis said...

You're right Ann. I have really struggled through this week as well. I was just thinking that I wish they would just set it one way and leave it.
Hope you all are doing well.