Friday, July 27, 2018

Friday's Fave Five, 7-27-18

LINK to Friday's Fave Five Host Blog

1. Due to several reasons, not the least of which I am giving a workshop during our inservice week at school, I have gone in several days this week to get a good bit of my room ready.  I made a new bulletin board which unfortunately did not get photographed.  I also put up this one, a classic, which reminds me fondly of the days when I would hand my creative daughter $50 and say "Go fix up my classroom."  This is one of her beauties.  It's one that can be recycled from time to time because the kids love it.  I'm glad to have gotten a lot of the classroom work done and also to have this opportunity to smile at past memories.

2. Rib is doing better.  I've not had to use narcotic pain reliever for two nights now.  I'm still sleeping in a chair for most of the night.  I will forever now have empathy for someone who has a broken rib.

3. Due to rib situation, classroom work, and preparation of this workshop, as well as other things, I am splurging and have hired a former student to help me clean my house this afternoon.  She is working as I write this.  Nothing makes me happier to have a clean house that I didn't do.  :-)

4. Still thinking about the fond memories of our beach vacation.

5. My sister was in town, having taken our folks for to a reunion in Indiana, and so I was able to spend some time with her.  She's safely back in Dallas now, after a not-so-fun plane connection issue. 

And that's my approaching-end-of-summer week.  It's always good to mix productiveness and rest.


Barbara H. said...

I love that bulletin board! How nice to have a creative and willing helper! I'm glad your rib is doing better - and pray it continues to heal well. I think hiring cleaning help is perfectly justified. It's hard to believe summer break is quickly coming to an end.

Faith said...

End of summer?? Um...summer ends Sept 19 or 20 right?? End of July though! Hard to believe!!

Yay for getting classrooms ready! I have three more weeks of summer school teaching and then a wonderful couple weeks off before the new school year. Summer is going by so fast it seems compared to winter.

How awesome to have someone come in and clean...a true blessing!

Happy weekend!

Susan @ FruitfulWords said...

Hurray on your recovery. I’ve had a broken and a severely bruised rib. No fun! I never realized how much movement is connected to ribs until I had issues. So painful.
Your daughter provided a great bulletin board. Besides getting across a great point it is also funny. I can see why this poster is a keeper.
Yes, it truly is wonderful to have house cleaning done by others.
I hope your weekend is a refreshing one especially since you got so much done on your classroom this week.

Willow said...

Eats Shoots and Leaves is one of my favorite books. Punctuation truly does save lives--including those people I want to shoot when they make mistakes. LOL.
I've never broken any bones except a toe but I watch family and friends suffer with breaks. I truly hope your ribs heal quickly.
The best thing this week? that clean house with help!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Sounds like a good week. Hubby and I go back to school soon too. I haven't be into school to get my classroom ready yet. I need to do that. Hope you continue to heal and get feeling better soon! Happy Wednesday to you.

Beth said...

I just got caught up with your blog as well as your summer events! This "bulletin board" post reminded me of how I employed you to draw my bulletin board items when I was student teaching! Bulletin boards were never my favorite part of teaching. I did use a couple of your famous drawings more than once!