Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Well. . .

When one's boy is miserably sick for three, four days with a fever above 103 and piercing backache (even if he's a strapping 18-year-old), so sick that the doctor's office actually calls back the next day to see how he is doing, and that's after the doctor calls the mother back to his office (this after she's trying to wait in the waiting room so that he doesn't think his mother is "smothering" him) to tell her he has an acute form of a mono infection with kidney involvement. . .

Playing nursemaid to a sick kid means little time for fun things like posting on a blog. . . or even to think about what to post of interest.


Anonymous said...

Ouch -- poor guy!! Hope he feels better soon.

Anonymous said...

Tell Andrew that Mrs. B is praying for him.