Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Good advice

Last week a man in our church, who happens to have reared four outstanding children, shared some advice he had been given as a young man: He told his children,

"If you see me going some place, you may go there too."
"If you hear me saying something, you may say it too."
"If you see me doing something, you may do it too."

I've been thinking about that all week. I especially thought about it when I took something to eat in the den even though we don't eat in the den. The ramifications of example are the best teacher there is.

1 comment:

Ada said...

This reminds me of the wall hanging we always had in our home when I was growing up
1. Do nothing you would not like to be doing when Jesus comes.
2. Say nothing you would not like to be saying when Jesus comes.
3. Go to no place you would not like to be found when Jesus comes.
Many times, when I've been tempted, I think of these teachings.