Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ups & Downs

UP--The house is clean. :-)

UP--Mary Lee only has a week and a half left to have her mother for a teacher. (Yes, that's an up, for both of us. It's not easy to teach your own child in a classroom, and it's not easy for a child to have a parent in that setting either.)

UP--The cat is still hanging in there.

UP--Mike planted some more nice plants yesterday. He's really into this.

UP--I've been watching Andrew's part in the DVD of our former administrator's retirement banquet, from January. That boy is a piece of work. In many ways!

UP--My juniors had a carwash on Saturday to raise $$ for the junior-senior banquet and their senior trip. It did my heart good to see those boys working hard, cleaning up my car!

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