Thursday, January 7, 2010

Three Flakes of Snow!

We saw three flakes of snow this afternoon! Time to call off school - or at least have a late opening!

The whole week has been very cold - much colder than usual. In my opinion, if we're going to have winter, let's have cold weather. I don't like the Januarys where we barely need a winter coat, and there have been several of those in recent years.

ML had to come home sick from her job at the daycare today. So I made her chicken noodle soup and stayed with her - while Mike and Andrew used a gift card of mine and went out to eat. How's that for laying it down!

1 comment:

Barbara H. said...

I much prefer milder Januarys! It's been biting cold this week, even with a heavy winter coat on.

That is true sacrifice letting someone else use your gift card!