Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Editing and Grading

I graded 29 short research reports today, designed to force seniors to use proper MLA format before writing their rough draft literary research papers. They each picked a country, then researched a book, an encyclopedia, and a website, wrote the reports on the Macs in the classroom, then emailed the reports as attachments to me. I opened the emails, graded the reports, and sent their grades back via email. Technology is a great thing.

Tomorrow their rough drafts for their literary papers come in. They have the option of using email or printing out this part of their paper. The final literary research paper, at the end of next week, will have to be printed. I think they need to know both ways.

Tonight I proofed a brief for a former student now in law school.

Both choric speaking groups practiced today and we made good changes in both pieces.

At this point, everywhere I look I see things that need editing, proofing, or grading.

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