Sunday, February 28, 2010

Leadership and Loyalty

We had a pastoral candidate at church today. Which of course puts my mind on the topic of leadership, where it has been often over the past few years.

Leadership is a much more elusive thing than I used to think. The person who says "I am the leader" usually is not. He may be the person in charge, but that does not make him the leader. The person at the head of a group who says "You will be loyal to me" does not inspire loyalty. I want to be under the kind of person who inspires me to be loyal, not who informs me that I will be loyal. Authority carries great responsibility.

The last three administrators I have worked for have all been great leaders. All three have had very different styles, but they inspired their staff to work hard and they inspired loyalty. The first of these three I always mentally refer to when involved in difficult situations with people - "How would X handle this?" The second I always think of when a new idea comes along - "What questions would Y ask before implementing this idea?" And the third is still developing his style as he is relatively new at the job, but he has already brought forth confidence from me and from others.

Pastors - I think of Dr. Russell Rice, a godly man in heaven now. Not a hands-on management kind of man, but how he inspired loyalty from his people.  The spirit of the pastor is vitally important in how a church functions.  And that is why, in the face of selecting a new pastor, the issues of leadership and loyalty are foremost in my mind.


Phyllis said...

I love this Ann. So true.

From the Front Porch said...

Something Dan and I have often thought about and talked through. We are young and Lord willing have a life time of ministry ahead of us. A lot to learn, yes, and Lord willing lots of learning along the way!

Ann said...

Thank you, Phyllis. I thought so much of your father in law - he was a great example of a leader who loved people. He is greatly missed.

Ann said...

And Carrie - we all have much to learn! Fortunately God uses people no matter where they are on the curve!