Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Post

So here I sit doing a study hall and thinking I've not posted on my blog since Sunday. Not good for increasing readership. Been too busy and had too much going on to think about this. It's that time of year for a schoolteacher. The natives are restless and the end-of-the-year projects are all going on. I took students to a play Monday night (didn't get in until 11:00 that night), we broke bridges in physical science yesterday, rocket shoot tomorrow morning. All those activities take time and planning that the students don't realize.

Throw in problems getting ML registered for summer school at the community college, senior exams, & just general things to get done, and I have been busy. Plus, the Faith and Values Board lady emailed me and said she had an extra slot if I wanted to get her another article - for this Saturday. That's too good an opportunity to pass up, so I cranked that out also.

Maybe some day I can breathe.

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