1. An easier fix than expected. This morning I got a text from Andrew in China that his debit card had locked down. Big problem--it's Friday night there, and he is traveling in the southern part of the country, so he can't just go to his apartment and figure it out on Monday. Mike is off today, so he met me at the bank with the paperwork that allows us to make decisions on his account. It took some phonework on the part of the banker, and about 45 minutes (thank you to the teacher who covered for me at school!), but we got it straightened out--as well as put some safeguards in place for getting it solved more easily if it happens again. And it was wonderful to have WeChat so we could talk directly with him via text as we were trying to get it straightened out. He was even able to send a verbal text to thank us and to thank the lady at the bank!
2. A day off school. Monday was a holiday for students - teachers had to go for three hours of inservice training, but it was still a nice day.
3. Great training sessions. We are studying Biblical worldview over a ten-week period. It's a lot of work, but it's very informative.
4. Morning Glory Muffins. I wrote about them here, a couple of years ago--we have been enjoying them again. They are full of good-for-you stuff and are very filling also--great for quick breakfasts.
5. A new title. My husband is now the Operations-Chemistry Safety Tagging Single Point of Contact person at his job. He said not to get excited--it is not a promotion. Nor a raise. But it sounds impressive!