Sunday, July 27, 2014

Meniscus Repair

Well this has been an interesting three days, after outpatient meniscus repair surgery on Thursday morning.

It's about 4:45 a.m. on Sunday morning right now.  Mike has left for work, and I figure - it may be early, but the orthopedic surgeon said it's OK to take the Ace bandage off on Sunday.  So off it has come.

My right knee is very swollen.

Everything was fine, after the meniscus repair on Thursday, until Friday night, when I got hit with excruciating pain.  It may have been from a couple of unsuccessful attempts to get out of the recliner (the angle and grip have to be just right to keep from putting weight on the right leg); or, it might have been from too much exertion on the leg during the day.  It took a series of Lortabs and several hours to get the entire area settled down.  It felt like there was swelling under the Ace bandage, and with the pressure that exerted, there was nowhere for the swelling to go except down, into the surgery area.  Pain.

So yesterday I was very good.  Stayed in the recliner all day.  Kept the knee on ice.  Used a walker!!  (Now that was a real humiliation.)  Did what Mike said.  And it has been better.  I can tell, though, that it still is going to need a lot of gentle care.

Mike has been a trouper.  He has taken care of everything I need, and the kitchen looks better than it does when I clean it up.  I am very grateful for all he has done to help me.  And when all this is over, I hope to be grateful for a repaired meniscus also.

1 comment:

Barbara H. said...

Ouch! Hope it starts feeling better soon. Glad you were able to have it during the summer rather than the school year.