Friday, October 18, 2019

Friday's Fave Five, 10-18-19

LINK to Friday's Fave Five Host Blog 

 1. The five chairs above - I got all five for $40 at a yard sale last Saturday.  Just what we need for our property - the outdoor chairs that the previous owner left for us on the porch area were worn out and somewhat nasty.  My only problem was that Mike was off hunting for the weekend - I couldn't get them in my car.  So I called Andrew, who was working, but he let me borrow his truck.  I sort of enjoyed driving around town in his truck!

I was sitting in the parking lot of a store that was not opened yet, when I was texting Andrew.  I was texting him using Siri, and forgot to say "Text Andrew" before saying "I've decided not to wait."  Siri answered "Fine!"  Weird feeling, but funny, to have a non-person answer me.

2. Another piece of furniture.  Mike bought this today - I haven't even seen it yet.  We got it for $40 also.  Mike says it is very solid and nice, and perfect for the cabin.  Again, the one left there for us is worn out.  I feel like I'm getting up off the floor when getting up out of the old love seat.  So this will be very nice to have there.

 3. BUG PROJECTS are done as of today.  I finished grading them this afternoon.  It's a big deal at our school - students not only collect and identify bugs, but also put the bugs on themed boards.  The winner made a "beach party."  They all did good jobs on their projects.

4. This was my salad last Sunday night.  I thought it looked pretty nice.  It definitely tasted good!

5. Wonderful, beautiful, cool fall weather!!!  Two weeks ago we were in the 90s.  We are loving it.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Friday's Fave Five, 10-4-19

LINK to Friday's Fave Five Host Blog

1. This is actually from Thursday a week ago, but I was gone all day Friday last week and couldn't post.  I was at a teachers' convention at Myrtle Beach, and had plans to go visit my daughter (who lives south of there) for dinner that night, when she texted that she couldn't get off of work.  By then my fellow teachers already had plans to go to an escape room, and the rosters were full.  Well, since I was already going toward the south, there was no reason not to go to Huntingdon Beach State Park with my camera, to see if I could get some sightings and pictures of roseate spoonbills.  Success!!  I've seen them one other time, but those were immatures and not nearly as brilliant as these.  Ibises and egrets were also in the water with the spoonbills.
Mike says a roseate spoonbill looks like flamingo that ate a pancake.  :-)

2. This was a very interesting week.  We got a text on Sunday afternoon that the air conditioning was broken in our high school and day care building, with a major part needed that had to be ordered--and all high school classes would be in other locations.  So I taught from Monday through Thursday in the game room of the church activity center.  :-)  It was difficult on one hand, but there were definite pluses:  I got more steps in, and we had more interaction with the elementary teachers, as we used every available space in their building. (I had a last-period study hall in the conference room right next to the first grade classroom.) However, today I was back in my regular room, and it was so nice to be "home" again.  Plus, we all have a new appreciation for air conditioning!!

3. I put this up today.  I really like it!!  The pieces were ordered from a catalog, but it doesn't scream "pre-prepared bulletin board" like some do.

4. We sold a chair on Craigslist last night, so I have a little extra pocket money.  :-)

5. And this one is actually a future one:  This should be our last day of very unseasonable warm temperatures.  It's been in the 90s all week.  Tomorrow we have a 25 degree drop!  Hopefully the hot weather is done now for several months.  I am very ready for fall this year.