Saturday, July 21, 2007

Pines and Pine-Sol

This quotation was on p. 13 of the new issue of FARM AND RANCH magazine:
"People born before 1930 associated their past with natural odors they inhaled during childhood, such as hay, horses, meadows, and pine trees. Those born after 1930 connected childhood recollections with Pine-Sol rather than piney woods; with manmade scents like fresh plastic, scented markers, airplane fuel, VapoRub, Play-Doh, and Sweet Tarts--not with fresh-baked bread or wet laundry hanging on the clothesline."

We've missed out on a lot in recent years. Even those of us who try to make our children aware of some of the pleasures of our own childhoods--if my children are going to enjoy the smell of home-baked bread, it will be from a breadmaker or baked frozen roll dough. But I'm astounded at the number of children for whom a pastry means a Pop-Tart. So much is gone from earlier years and replaced with cheap--make that expensive--substitutes.

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