Thursday, June 4, 2009

Fifteen Books

My friend Barbara posted a question that she took from a meme: Name fifteen books that have stuck with you. Here's my off-the-top list:
  2. SHADOW OF THE ALMIGHTY and other works by Elisabeth Elliott
  3. LITTLE HOUSE series by Laura Ingalls Wilder
  4. A GARDEN TO KEEP by Jamie Langston Turner
  5. LIES WOMEN BELIEVE by Nancy Leigh DeMoss
  6. EASTERN BIRDS by Roger Tory Peterson
  7. DON'T WASTE YOUR LIFE by John Piper
  8. MUSINGS OF A MOTHER by Doris Coffin Aldrich
  9. EVIDENCE NOT SEEN by Darlene Deibler Rose
  10. YEARS OF THE LOCUST and other works by Loula Grace Erdman
  11. THE VANISHING WORD by Arthur W. Hunt
  12. Anything by A.W. Tozer
  13. CALM MY ANXIOUS HEART by Linda Dillow
  14. THE TRIUMPH OF JOHN AND BETTY STAM by Mrs. Howard Taylor
  15. FAVORITE POEMS OLD AND NEW compiled by Helen Ferris

This is a very fast and eclectic list; I'll probably think of many others that probably should have been included. But it's a good overview of things I've read over the years that have impacted me in various ways.


Barbara H. said...

I almost added Evidence not Seen to mine. I've not yet read anything by DeMoss, and I should. I have Dillow's book on my shelf but haven't read it yet.

Ann said...

DeMoss is good, very good. She is deep, but not so deep that she's unreadable. You would appreciate her writings.