Saturday, December 5, 2009

Saturday Misc.

Well, I don't really have anything fascinating to post, but it's been quite awhile since I put something on here. Often I have ideas for thoughts to put on here, but it's always at a time when I can't get to the computer. And by the time I do get online. . .the thought has disappeared.

--Sitting here with Mike watching Alabama decimate Florida. I know they are absolutely screaming over there.

--Bought a tree today and I'm about half done decorating it. I fell asleep mid-afternoon (it's been a kinda rough week physically) and am in no rush to overexert myself.

--Been back at the Y for a couple of weeks. It's interesting how that can get a little addictive after awhile. You really miss it once you're in the routine of going. I start on the elliptical (to get it over with) and then get on the treadmill. If I leave school immediately when allowed to go (3:40), changing in my room first, and go straight to the Y, I can get in ahead of the late afternoon crowd. I have to fight traffic coming home, but you can't have everything.

--ML comes home for a pre-op next week for her surgery on the ganglion cyst on her wrist. When the semester is over, she has to go straight to the hospital from college! Andrew will probably take her right there as it is actually on the way home. It will depend on the exact time of the surgery, which she'll find out next week. It will be kinda nice to have her home on a weeknight.

--And finally, Mike celebrates his Heinz birthday on Monday. You figure it out. :-)


Barbara H. said...

I never heard it called a Heinz birthday before!

My exercise is still hit or miss -- mostly miss. Good job keeping with it!

Lizupatree said...

sounds like he's gonna be 57 or something! lol